
The Almanac of Allies (5E)

Created by T.A. Gray

A collection of sidekicks, allies, henchmen, and hirelings compatible with 5E D&D that level along with your adventurers.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Physical Minis are ready!
2 months ago – Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 08:44:12 AM

Hi friends,

The big news today is that we're ready to move forward with printing and shipping of the resin miniatures. The test prints turned out great, and we've finalized the process through our fulfillment partners 

They will be handling this part directly, which means you can expect an email from them today (assuming you picked up the set of resin minis.) Just complete their survey, which includes your shipping address, and you'll be good to go. 

I've gone back to make a few changes for things I noticed during editing, and I'm about to begin the final proofreading of the book. Barring any issues with the miniatures, I expect to get into final layout ASAP. Sorry again for the delays on this, but we're getting close to finalizing this one. 

Editing + Last Chance to Complete the Survey
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 04, 2024 at 12:31:18 PM

Hi Friends,

Brief update today as I'm getting over an illness, but we're still working on the book. I spent more time testing and balancing than I had hoped, but the manuscript is now complete and we're into proofreading / editing. Much of the layout and graphic design work has also been completed, so there shouldn't be an extensive delay between accepting the final edits and getting the PDF to you. Thanks again for your patience. 

If you haven't completed your survey yet, there is still time. I've already locked shipping addresses for those of you who have, but if you need to make a change you can message me directly and I'll fix it on my end. 

.STL file fulfilment + production update
5 months ago – Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 01:55:19 PM

Hi friends,

First, my apologies for the delays on this project. I have been covered up with the Zander's Guide to Zombie Hunting campaign for the last month, but I'm wrapping this one up as we speak. I'm also scaling back my publishing schedule in the future so that I can be sure to get these projects out the door in a reasonable amount of time. That, coupled with a pretty optimistic delivery date has combined to result in a late delivery, but I'm confident you'll like the final product.

As I'm writing this, you are likely receiving updates from BackerKit for some of the digital rewards in this campaign. These are mostly rewards from previous projects, so do not be concerned if you didn't get anything about the Almanac of Allies PDF - we're still finalizing it. 

We are, however, delivering the .STL files for this project for those who backed at that level. Those can be downloaded from BackerKit along with any PDFs you might have picked up. 

As for the book itself, we're getting close to having the PDF ready. There are a few allies still in the testing and design phases, but most of the book is complete, and all of the art has been finalized. I'll have another update out once the PDF is ready to go, and the physical copy will be ready not long after that. 

There are still a few odds and ends left, too, including the Sidekick character sheet and the VTT tokens, which should be ready when the PDF is. The other physical rewards will go out around the same time as the AoA hardcover book. Thanks again for your support!

March Update
6 months ago – Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 10:26:40 AM

Hi everyone!

Development of the Almanac of Allies is ongoing, and i'm waiting for one final submission before we send this off to editing. The art is also largely complete, and I'll share some more of that next time. We are running a little behind, but I expect to have the PDF version to you next month. 

the printing process should also be shorter than usual. We are fulfilling through Kindle Publishing this time, which means you'll receive your books direct from the printer. I'll have more about that next time, too! Thanks for your continued support. 

Surveys are on their way!
7 months ago – Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 08:34:31 AM

You should receive your surveys shortly if you haven't already. We didn't encounter any problems with the smoke test, so we're moving forward with the fully survey for everyone. This is also your opportunity to pick up any add-ons you didn't nab during the campaign.